The Miracle of Recognition

Monday, August 3, 2009

Manakua, New Zealand 3 August 2009

I cannot imagine Cleopas and his companion walking down the road to Emmaus not recognizing Jesus when he appeared and began walking with them. Luke 24:16 says, “But they were kept from recognizing them.” Guess it would have been pretty difficult to have a casual walk and conversation after the events in Jerusalem if Jesus just sort of appeared. Maybe the two on the road had more learning to do or they weren’t ready or it could have been Jesus thought it better for them to not see everything just yet.

There are days that we want to see God directly at work in our lives and get frustrated when circumstances or timing does not go the way we would like it. Does that mean the Lord is not working? To be honest, I’ve had my doubts. I am glad that our Father in Heaven does not go on vacation and even though we may not recognize his works in our life, we can be assured that he is there doing far more than we with human eyes can see. One of my former pastors and good friend used to always say, “Even when we cannot see the hands of God at work in our lives, we can always trust His heart.”

In verse 31 the eyes of the two travelers were opened and they recognized him. I so wish I could have seen their eyes and the expressions on their faces! They were traveling down the road of doubt but when the miracle of recognition occurred, they found a new road of faith in the risen Lord.


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