Lower Level Lesson Learned

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Has there ever been a breaking noise in your house and you thought, "that cannot be good"? One such noise seized my attention in the morning while turning on the bathroom facet. When the pressure dropped I knew the water that was supposed to be flowing out and washing my hands was now flowing like a flash flood underneath the house.

The next step after turning off the main water valve was to crawl underneath the house and assess the damage. The house was made old school and built on concrete blocks, so having enough room to fit under and follow the pipes, I did my best G.I. Joe impersonation and crawled through.

The busted pipe was found and the next step was to wait for the pipe to stop dripping water so I could attach and cement the new pipe on. There must have been something like 500 million gallons of water in the house because it was taking longer than a construction crew to finish a road.

But something happened while waiting underneath the house. Maybe it was the lowly position, the solitude, or the smell which no human should ever breathe!

There is promise in patience and patience is the prescription when problems break in on our lives.

Surrounding me were a number of solid concrete blocks that stood as the foundation for the house. As the water continued to drip, I asked myself what are the things, people and events that are and have been built as the foundational blocks of my life. At that point I became very thankful. Not for the smell that was about to knock me out but for the many people and circumstances (both good and not so pleasant) that have surrounded and shaped much of who I am. Being in the already humble position and on my knees, I was moved to thank my Father who was made the dirt, foundation, blocks and the house itself.

In a teachable moment of waiting, I was reminded of God’s promises and that His faithfulness, plans and love are non-negotiable, flawless and true.

There is promise in patience.


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