What's Up Your Mountain?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Squaw Peak, Phoenix, May 31, 2009

So I just climbed up this little mountain in Phoenix for the second time last week. From a hikers perspective no big deal right? But from a personal level which included both spiritual and emotional barriers, it was a major accomplishment. What was different this time was the motivation. It wasn't the fact that I could climb this 3k foot mountain on my own again but it's what I did at the top that made the biggest difference and most lasting impression.
This time the only drive, desire and purpose I had was to show and express my adoration, love and thanksgiving to my heavenly Father and friend. This time it was not about a person, it was about the only one who has been faithful and true to me my entire life. This time I cried because I know that He loved me back...and always will.
Sometimes mountains in the past have to be revisited. Other times, we are already facing a big enough mountain to keep us busy for a while. Everyone has their mountain from time to time but we do not have to fear the past, the current or future mountains because He who promised us is able to keep us and give all that we need to face any hurdle or roadblock.

Even if I walk through a very dark valley,
I will not be afraid,
because you are with me.
Your rod and your shepherd's staff comfort me. (Psalm 23:4, NCV)


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